DVAR TORAH SERIES - Forest Park Minyan, Congregation B'nai Torah, Springfield MA


Susan B. Kline, congregant of Congregation B'nai Torah's Forest Park Minyan in Springfield MA, writes:

"Our Dvar Torah series is going strong.  Each Shabbat a different congregant volunteers to give a Dvar Torah (thoughts on the Torah portion) inspired by a relevant Voices & Visions poster."  

Here are some of the Divrei Torah:

On Parshat Vayeitzei congregant Bob Dashevsky connected the Parsha to Daniel Bennett Schwartz's poster of Rabbi Hillel's quote: "If I am not for myself, who will be for me?  But if I am only for myself, what am I?  If not now, when?"   

On Parshat B'reishit (Garden of Eden story) congregant Vivian Newman connected the Parsha to Henry Steiner's poster of Blu Greenberg's quote: Once I had tasted the fruit of the tree of knowledge, there was no going back." 

On Parshat Nitzavim-Vayelekh congregant Dr. Rick Granowitz connected the Parsha to Paula Scher's poster of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel's quote: "When I marched in Selma, I felt my legs were praying."   

On Parshat Ki Tavo congregant Connie Ryder connected the Parsha to Art Paul's poster of Nachman of Breslau's quote: If you believe breaking is possible, believe fixing is possible. 

On Parshat Ki Teitzei congregant Dr. Moses Pava connected the Parsha to Bob Gill's poster of Rabbi Tarfon's quote: "It is not your responsibility to finish the work of perfecting the world, but you are not free to desist from it either.    

On Parshat Re'eh congregant Bob Dashevsky connected the Parsha to Mervyn Kurlansky's poster of the Talmudic quote: "I found a fruitful world, because my ancestors planted for me. Likewise I am planting for my children."   

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“Silence remains, inescapably, a form of speech.” - Susan Sontag