Sarah Liebman, the Director of the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning at Morasha: The Jewish Community Educational Alliance in Portland OR writes:
"We held a discussion for seniors at Rose Schnitzer Manor around the theme of the Jewish value of hope. We selected five posters - Rabbi Nachman of Breslau (Art Paul), Song of Songs (Dan Reisinger), Louis Brandeis (R.O. Blechman), Rabbi Tarfon (Bob Gill), and Baal Shem Tov (Tom Geismar) - and discussed how these authors and illustrators interpreted the theme of hope. The Nachman of Breslau-Art Paul piece was especially evocative and led to a wider discussion about the purpose of art and our own emotional responses to the images.
The seniors really enjoyed the conversation and we are planning a second class over the summer.
I divided the other 13 images into two groups around the themes of 'Social and Environmental Responsibility' and 'Journeys of the Heart and Mind'. I find that selecting a theme and then discussing 5-7 images more deeply is a great way to use the collection. We will be holding a three-week class for adults using these images and quotations to explore the above themes."
See Melton School on our Featured Partners page.